Inside the August 2024 issue of BBC History Magazine, on sale now...

Crusader criminals

Steve Tibble shows how soaring rates of murder and theft followed in the wake of waves of armed young men arriving in the Middle East


Cromwell’s postal spies

Nadine Akkerman and Pete Langman reveal the techniques employed to open and decrypt private letters in the 16th and 17th centuries

Britain’s kitchen revolution

Deborah Sugg Ryan explains how the evolution of our cooking habits reflected changes in women’s social status

The madcap Olympics

David Goldblatt tells the story of the 1900 Paris Games, where chaos and confusion triumphed

Five fascinating facts about… medieval England

Hannah Skoda shares surprising facets of life in the Middle Ages

More like this

The dark side of Robert the Bruce

Fiona Watson uncovers the brutal truth about Scotland’s national hero

Poland’s powerhouse agent

Clare Mulley introduces Elżbieta Zawacka, the fearless wartime resistance operative codenamed Zo


SUBSCRIBE TODAY to get our next issue: The July 2024 issue of BBC History Magazine is on sale from 1 August 2024. Look inside!
