50 years of the lava lamp
The iconic lava lamp, launched in 1963, is celebrating its 50th birthday

Mathmos, the inventors of the lava lamp, is celebrating its 50th birthday this September.
The Mathmos story began with the invention of the Astro lava lamp by company founder and inventor Edward Craven-Walker. Mr. Craven-Walker originally developed the lava lamp from a design for an egg timer he saw in a Dorset pub.
The first lava lamp came to market in 1963. The “Astro” and “Astro Baby” were the first two lava lamps launched in 1963 and 1964 respectively. They were an instant hit and became one of the defining products of the 1960s, appearing in cult TV series The Prisoner and Dr Who.
Find out more about the history of the lava lamp at the Mathmos website
(All images © www.mathmos.com)